The following student learning outcomes, 目标, assessment methods and core competencies have been identified for the Learning Center computer lab:


  • To provide students with an open access computer lab using up-to-date technology to complete their studies.
  • To increase retention in reading, study skills, English, foreign language, nursing, psychology and other academic classes by providing a lab where students can make use of software products to supplement instruction.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will be able to identify the Learning Center as a place for utilizing computers with specialized software as a resource for supplemental study.
  • Students will find the Learning Center equipment, software, and facility adequate to meet their educational needs.
  • The Learning Center will support or facilitate a positive learning or service environment for students.

Assessment Methods:

  • Learning Center Survey

Core Competencies:

  • 2.3 Information Competency: Find and interpret relevant information from text, 表, 图, 地图, 媒体, personal communication, observation, and electronic databases.
  • 2.7 Information Competency: Use technology to acquire and process information.

Learning Center student learning outcomes updated 9/17/16.